The ‘Great Barrier Reef’ series discusses the state of our oceans due to pollution and climate change. Single-use plastics are a convenience item that society has become accustomed to using with only recently founded action to consider the long-term environmental impacts.
In February 2021 many sick and dead baby turtles washed up on central Queensland beaches after eating plastic. This is unfortunately a common occurrence among fish and bird species too. It is not only the discarded rubbish but also the production of plastics through fossil fuels that contributes to this worsening environmental problem.
The Great Barrier Reef was recently valued at $56 billion as a total economic, social, and iconic asset. Australians want their children and future generations to be able to visit the Great Barrier Reef and enjoy it. From a global perspective, the Great Barrier Reef’s importance to the planet and to biodiversity is paramount.
During a quarantine at homestay in early 2021 after a shortened visit to QLD, I needed to purchase my groceries online. Generally, I take fabric fresh produce bags to the supermarket, to cut down on plastic waste, but this wasn’t an option for home delivery. On packing away my order I was taken by the lettering on the soft plastic bag used for fruit and veg. It read ‘WARNING: to avoid the danger of suffocation please keep the bag away from children….’ Inspiration hit! I scrunched the bag to make it look like the ripples of the seafloor, photographed it for reference, and painted it onto an ACM panel. I then custom-ordered a 4mm piece of super clear glass on which I painted, in reverse, a green sea turtle. This glass was then suspended above the Tasmanian Oak framed painted panel with aluminum standoffs. Due to the space between the turtle and the seafloor, a shadow is cast giving the illusion of depth and movement.

Reverse glass painting is a new technique I’ve been perfecting.
Both back and front side views of the Clownfish have been painted in reverse on 4mm super clear glass. They are then fitted together, and painted sides in, creating a painting sculpture that suspends the Clownfish in space.
I’ve been constantly searching, in my art practice, for a way to bring the painted creation into the space of the viewer. The glass allows the painting to interact with the outside world through the shadow play of the Clownfish being cast in the changing light.